I'm Lynn!
As your know, I don't know anything except blogskins & cbox.
So see those cute bears on our class tagboard!
It's smilies as your know!
I had edited our CBOX!
It now has smilies.
So your got to use them more more more often okay! :D
I'm sorry if the guys find it gay, but it's the nicest unisex smilies!
Please understand!
So I have installed FOUR smilies as I can't find a lot!
I'm kinda sorry cause the smiley for
This is the guide!
:D & :) (smile)
;) (wink)
:( (sad)
<3 & love
If your do not like them, I can take it away.
So tag if you don't like it.
With ♥,
Being in the same school shows that we are lucky ,
but destiny beings us in the same class