About Me

  • T h e 2 B S t o r y /
    At 2nd January 2008,
    2B had started their lessons.
    So this blog is owned by 2B.
    Please kindly do not judge us
    by our appearance out there
    & we are not your pets.

    Treat us fine & we'll treat you gladly.
    Step on us , we'll give you heaven hell .

    Respect us , kindly don't give us attitude.
    Giving us attitude means giving yourself much more problems.
    If you know us well enough , we're friendly by all means.


  • 2B ROCKS ! :D
    Teachers :Mr Hisham & Miss Chiang
    Chairman :Amalia :D
    Vice-Chairman :Putri :D
    Please respect them.

    Starting of school
    Bazaar Day
    Record Challenge Semi-final
    Maths Tessellation 17&26Jul
    Speech Day
    Record Challenge Final
    Common Test

    MT&EL Oral
    National day celebrations
    Teachers' Day celebrations
    School Holiday
    End of year Examinations
    Sports Learning Festival
    End of school on 23 October

    March to school on 2nd Jan 2009
  • 2Bee spirits! :D always!
  • No one emo-ing in class :D
  • No retains :D
  • Pass their results with flying
    colours :D
  • No one fails more than 3 subjects :D
  • Do what the teachers tell us to do :D
  • No ones get suspended / expelled :D
  • Cooporate with one another :D
  • No one fails :D


    & Spams :D
    Spammer rock sucks!



being simple as it should be
more than enough to understand
like my permanent underwears
We would soar up high
Score well in examinations
Play like there's no tomorrow
Try to be punctual
Live life to the fullest
We will pay attention in class
We try not to sleep in class

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

26 Febuary 2008

CLASS - annoucement !

Giving out flyers tomorrow . Aft. YMP period .
Peepo , pls eat enough during recess alrights :D
Maybe we'll be giving out for about 1 hour+ like that :D
So we're be going to block 206 -208 at Teck Whye .
Opposite Chua Chu Kang Secondary School :D
Pls rmb to bring your water bottle along .

We're gonna collect the newspapers on 1 March okay ?
So rmb to bring trolley if any / scissors .
Mr Hisham say that he'll be bring the scissors on that day .
Lydia , bring trolley okay ? thanks :D
You guys are seperated into groups already so dont nag / fuss :D
okay , so assemble at the Ori / Nex. Campus on that day .
before 9.30am . Wear PE shirt & skirt/short . It is a MUST ,
pupils with MC or valid reasons will be dealt with on Monday .


Saturday, February 23, 2008

23 Febuary 2008

Hellos class , im here by to pronouce thoses spammers !
Kindly please get out of our class blog before we ban you from tagging .

&& pls put your name there for us to know so you can get popular like that :D
I dont care where you come from , where you stay or bloody hell here ?!
Just get your arses out here thanks :D by not spamming okay ?!


wanxin :D is here !

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

19 Febuary 2008

WANXIN here again :D relink class blog !
since no body post i'll post if i could alrights (:

Today's homework , English Arguementative Essay :D
&& the what ever list of point thingy :D Dont mind me i have memory failure .

Nothing happened today only a few annoucement :D

19 March & 26 March we're going to have Physics "outings" ?!
In school -.- from 2 pm to 4pm :D

RMB okay ?! RMBBB ! nothing lah , pls rmb to do all your homeworks !

Sunday, February 17, 2008

17 Febuary 2008

HELLOS peeps , curretly 12am midnight .
I aint sleeping :D cause its the last day of chines new year ! :D
YEAPEE all , study hard for your common test alrights :D
Pass lah , but to me cheys ! I dont think i can pass Chemistry & Physics as
i suck in those loh .

Everyone pls get marks over PROS :D
As they really bucking up now eh :D Aim for themmm ! WOOOOO ~!
okay , abit over highed :D
Mr Hisham had high expectations for us alrights , must jiayou ah !

Selamat Datang !
Welcome !

Hope you're pass with flying colours ! :D

WANXINhere ! :D